Monday, April 08, 2013

Pure Horror

When are babies removed from parents at birth? When parents pose an imminent danger. I see this happen only very, very, very rarely, due to extreme drug use, and even then, the baby is in the NICU, not forcibly removed.

If you can, read 7rin's blog post (excerpted below) and watch this video and tell me that trafficking isn't happening. This makes me ill. Adoption as an institution is sick. Where is the real help for these parents? To keep them a family?

What about the trauma visited on them? Why? She is promised clean clothes. How comforting is that in the midst of loss? As the father said, this stealing. One woman says, "We'll talk again, when you're calmer." Reassuring her? Patronizing? WTF? As someone said, it's Stalinist.

This baby is being released for adoption, no doubt. A beautiful, white, boy baby, one day old.

Thank you, 7rin, for bringing this to the attention of the community.

I first started this post in reaction to 6th March’s Daily Wail Mail article, social workers arrived at hospital to take woman’s baby while she was in labour.
A mother is demanding an apology from social services after her baby was taken away from her as soon as she was born.
Kelly McWilliams, 36, claims that social workers arrived at her bedside while she was in labour and took her newborn daughter Victoria into foster care.
I’d already posted about this subject before (AMBER ALERT! Missing child snatched!) and wanted to look at it in more depth. However, due to my entire crapness at getting things done, the post has been sat here as one of my many unfinished drafts.
Friday just gone (5th April), there appeared yet another post about a Social Services (Staffordshire, again) snatching (literally) a newborn from its mom. This time, it’s an extremely harrowing video showing the newborn being snatched from its screaming mom’s arms.

1 comment:

Trish said...

I am so horrified. I feel traumatized just watching that. That poor baby, that will store in his memory forever.